All set to begin!

Hello everybody! This week I’ve been getting the need to be more productive and therefore decided to do something about it. I began doing some exercise again (thank god! It’s been almost a month since my swimming training ended and I’ve been the laziest person ever!!), enrolled in some online courses AND I began to practice my german. read well…I speak german, and to be honest I’m quite good at it; I mean, I love it and have been studying it for over 6 years now, BUT in a month I have to take an exam, the most difficult one I’ve taken so far, in order to get a certificate. To be honest I’m nervous about it, I NEED to pass this test and obviously the nerd in me wants to get a very good score.

I started reading a book in german, but not just any book, I brought out the big guns and chose Demian from Hermann Hesse, because in order to take my german to the next level before this test, I have to read more advanced stuff. I’m going to be combining this reading with grammar and preparation exercises from different books, but I set the goal of finishing Demian before the exam (fingers-crossed so I can do it!)

As I was reading Demian I obviously realized there were many words that I didn’t know, so I looked for them in the dictionary and continued reading (bad idea). I swore I would remember this words but of course I didn’t haha, I totally suck at memorizing vocabulary; I realized this when I saw words that I remembered seeing in previous chapters but didn’t remember what they meant. But then I got an idea! I took out a notebook, some pens, little post-its and divided the pages of the notebook by letter, just like a dictionary. Then as I was reading I underlined the words I didn’t know, looked for them in the dictionary and wrote them down in the notebook (color coded obviously 🙂 ).  I plan to do this not only with the book but with any other words I might find while studying. Sometimes I get lazy and don’t want to do this, but writing stuff down really helps me to memorize it; also I’m a very visual person, so by having everything written down with different colors, I am the happiest person ever!

Here is a picture of my tools to tackle this book down 😉

German study

Tell me what you think, do you have any tips for me?

